Voices of our partners
«Während der ganzen Zeit funktionierte die Zusammenarbeit mit dem JUWO hervorragend: professionell, unkompliziert und ganz nach unserem Geschmack, ohne unnötige administrative Zusatzschlaufen.»
Armin Isler
Geschäftsführer Dr. Stephan à Porta-Stiftung
JUWO reference project
Weekly handing over of apartments
When a housing estate is being renovated, the apartments are usually handed over the same day as the construction work starts. Not so in this case: For the "Siedlung Egli- /Hohl- und Eichbühlstrasse" in Zurich, the handing over had to be made in stages at weekly intervals over a period of four months.
Voices of our partners
«Die Projektentwicklung mit dem JUWO war zuverlässig und professionell, das Ergebnis preisgekrönt.»
Julika Kotai
Stiftungsrätin Stiftung Einfach Wohnen
JUWO reference project
Living in wooden modules
"FOGO – Leben am Vulkanplatz" is a former wasteland right next to the Altstetten train station. It consists of two parts which are separated by "Geerenweg". The wooden modules on the "West-Areal" were built on behalf of SEW and rented by AOZ and JUWO.
Voices of our partners
«Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem JUWO war sehr einfach, zuverlässig und professionell. Ich habe in
keiner Weise negative Erfahrungen mit den verschiedenen Wohn-gemeinschaften des JUWO
gemacht. .»
Konrad Kuster
Vertreter der Erbengemeinschaft
JUWO reference project
Meaningful use and appreciation of the associated family history
The heirs of Annelies Kuster-Keller sold their beautiful multi-family house at "Enzianweg 5" to JUWO at a fair market price. One of the reasons for this was the certainty of a long term meaningful use.
Siedlung 6/Stüdli
(Gemeinnützige Bau- und Mietergenossenshaft Zürich GBMZ)
(Gemeinnützige Baugenossenschaft Limmattal GBL)
Am Glattbogen
(ASIG Wohngenossenschaft)
Siedlung Industrie 2 beim Röntgenplatz
(Baugenossenschaft des eidg. Personals Zürich, BEP)
(Siedlungsgenossenschaft Eigengrund, SGE)
Our partners
Thank you very much for your commitment.
JUWO would like to thank the many people involved who make it possible for us to offer affordable accomodation for young adults pursuing their studies or apprenticeship.
Thanks to good cooperation and the commitment of our partners our mission becomes possible.