JUWO offers a pragmatic solution to residency problems of young adults – simple and without ideological blinders. JUWO’s tenants are young adults pursuing their studies, whether this is at university, at a vocational school or as part of an apprenticeship.
For 40 years, JUWO has been providing affordable accomodation to young adults with limited financial means. Today, the association rents around 1'500 apartments to 3'500 young tenants.
Qualified employees from the areas of real estate management, social counseling, project development and finance work at the JUWO office. With their knowledge and experience, the JUWO team ensures that our services are executed professionally, promptly and in a friendly manner.
Around five to ten percent of the tenants are referred to us through social services and make use of our tenant counseling services. The aim is to enable these young adults to live an independent life.
A part of our counseling services is financed by a performance mandate with the city of Zurich. Otherwise, JUWO is self-financing without any funding from the authorities. Donations from foundations and private individuals are not used to cover ongoing costs. Instead, they are used for accomodation projects.
JUWO works closely with institutions from politics, economy and the social sector.
JUWO acquires housing by purchase or building rights. Where necessary, JUWO carries out minor renovations cost-effectively and sustainably. Thus, JUWO has a secured portfolio of its own properties.